LADWP Aqueduct System Daily Operations Report
This data is preliminary and subject to change

 Mono BasinData as of 2/22/2025 
StationFlow Station Flow
Lee vining creekParker Creek
Above Intake:18 cfs Above Conduit3 cfs
Spill:19 cfs Below ConduitSigned off for season (4)
Conduit:0 cfs  
 Walker Creek
Rush Ck at Damsite:30 cfs Above Conduit2 cfs
Below ConduitSigned off for season (2)
Mono Lake elevationn/aAs of ?? (Add 0.4' for USGS Datum)
Grant Lake Reservoir Elevation: n/a ft. Storage: 34707 ACFT Storage Change: 0 ACFT
Spill Elevation 7130.0 ft. Out:CUR/PDY=48/0 cfs    24 hr. Outflow Totl: 95.81 ACFT
Cain Ranch:Current Air temp: 55   24 hr. max/min: 49/15   Precip. Day/Month: 0.00/ 0.00 in.
Wind speed: 1 mph Wind direction: 21 Wind Run: 78 miles
Locations Mono Basin  Long Valley  North Owens  South Owens  Well Data  Southern District
  Reservoir Overview  Climate Overview  Turbidity Data
Daily Reports Northern District